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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - problems with english
problems with english < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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problems with english: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:17 Mi 29.04.2009
Autor: silfide

What kind of problems do you have with English?

I understand written texts better then spoken dialogs, because native speaker talks too fast.
But if I speak with a friend of mine, I don’t have this problem. He is an Americans and lives in New Zealand the half of the year.
I often feel demotivated when I speak with somebody, because I am not found the right words and correctly sentence construction. Certain it sounds poor.
I have problems with the pronunciation. I know how I have to articulate the words in my brain, but my tongue is awkward.
It’s better to read a text alone, because I need a little bit more time to understand the text. I often understand the content of a text easily, but I have problem to understand all the details or the irony of a text.
A text to write is better than to speak a dialog, because I could correct my mistakes

problems with english: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:00 Mi 29.04.2009
Autor: Tanea

Hallo Mia,

rot bedeutet falsch, das musst du dir nochmal anschauen. blau ist korrigiert bzw. Anmerkungen, was du verändern musst.
Generell wäre es gut, wenn du einen schönen Schlusssatz finden würdest und vielleicht auch die einzelnen Elemente des Textes etwas mehr verbinden würdet (z.B. durch Wort wie "also, furthermore, but"..

Wenn du das korrigiert hast, schaue ich mir das gerne nochmal an:

What kind of problems do you have with English?
I understand written texts better then spoken dialogs,
because native speaker talks(Kongruenz) too fast.
But if I speak with a friend of mine, I don’t have this
problem. He is an Americans (Kongruenz)  and lives in New Zealand the
half of the year.
I often feel demotivated when I speak with somebody,
because I am not found the right words and  correctly
sentence construction
das ist Wort für Wort übersetzt, bau das mal um. Certainly it sounds poor.
I have problems with the pronunciation. I know how I have
to articulate the words in my brain,besser: head but my tongue is
It’s better to read a text alone, because I need a little
bit more time to understand the text. I often understand
the content of a text easily, but I have problem to
understand all the details or the irony of a text.
A text to write is better than to speak a dialog, because Satzstellung ist hier etwas seltsam, fang mal an mit "It's better /easier to.."
I couldcan correct my mistakes


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