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Forum "Grammatik" - korrigieren
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korrigieren: überprüfen
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:44 Mi 05.03.2008
Autor: SwEeT-AnGeLL

1. He usually (drink) drinking coffee but today he (drink) drinks tea.
2. Jenny opened the letter which (arrive) arrived a few days before.
3. If my mother drove more slowly, she (not have) doesn t have so many accidents.
4. Yesterday I (fall) have fell over in the cafeteria while I (carry) carrieng a cup of tea.
5. We (not able ) aren t able to the cinema since last Easter.
6. In 2003 after the (finish) finished school she (start) is start work as a window dresser.
7. My sister (be) would be fifteen next year.
8. Maybe I (lose) lost my wallet last Sunday.
9. "This box is too heavy for me !"- "Wait a minute , I (help) will help you
10. Tim (not sing) doesn t sing well, but he ( play) is playing an instrument.
11. Last night , while they (watch) are watching TV, burglars (break) breaking into their house.
12. I (know) knew the result in a week.
13. You can t see Patrick now; he (have) does have a bath.
14. In this country, women usually (not wear) didnt wear trousers.
15. Look, it (rain) rains . let s go to the cinema.
16. This student never (listen) listened to what the teacher ( say) are saying.
17. I have a lot of money today because I (win) won a prize.
18. Jenny (not be) didn t be to Nottingham since 1999.
19. Next summer we (spend) are spent our holidays in the USA.
20. Robert (not see) doesn t see his friend sarah yesterday evening.

hallo ich bin es schon wieder luisa könnte bitte jemand überprüfen ob ich die wörter in der richtigen zeit rein geschrieben habe ist echt super wichtig. Vieeeeelen dank Luisa

korrigieren: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:37 Mi 05.03.2008
Autor: SusaSch

Also ich kann zwar nicht garantieren, dass alles was ich jetzt hier korriegiere richtig ist, aber ich mache mal nen anfang.

1. He usually (drink) drinks coffee but today he (drink) drinks tea.
2. Jenny opened the letter which (arrive) had arrived a few days before.
3. If my mother drove more slowly, she (not have) wouldn t have so many accidents.
4. Yesterday I (fall)  fall over in the cafeteria while I (carry) was carrieng a cup of tea.
5. We (not able ) haven t been able to (go to ?) the cinema since last Easter.  < satz gibt keinen sinn
6. In 2003 after (she?)  (finish)  had finished school she (start) started work as a window dresser.
7. My sister (be) will be be fifteen next year.
8. Maybe I (lose) lost my wallet last Sunday.
9. "This box is too heavy for me !"- "Wait a minute , I (help) will help you
10. Tim (not sing) doesn t sing well, but he ( play) plays an instrument.
11. Last night , while they (watch) were watching TV, burglars (break)broke into their house.
12. I (know) will know the result in a week.
13. You can t see Patrick now; he (have) is having  a bath.
14. In this country, women usually (not wear) doesn t  wear trousers.
15. Look, it (rain) is raining . let s go to the cinema.
16. This student has  never (listen) listened to what the teacher ( say) has said.
17. I have a lot of money today because I (win) won a prize.
18. Jenny (not be) hasn t been to Nottingham since 1999.
19. Next summer we (spend) will spend  our holidays in the USA.
20. Robert (not see) didn t  see his friend sarah yesterday evening.

>> Also ich würde sagen du solltest dir die regeln nochmal anschauen > sind wirklich viele fehler drin


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