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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - korrektur einer hausaufgabe
korrektur einer hausaufgabe < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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korrektur einer hausaufgabe: =)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:13 Di 04.03.2008
Autor: airam111


Wir haben die Hausaufgabe ein "unsolved mystery" zu beschreiben. Ich habe mich fürs Bermudadreieck entschieden ^^ Eine Korrektur wäre furchtbar nett =)

The Bermuda Triangle

The Bermuda Triangle, also called the Devil's Triangle, is an area of the north-western Atlantic Ocean. Lots of ships and planes have disappeared there without a trace.

Christopher Columbus, the man who discovered America, was the first person who documented something strange in the Bermuda Triangle. He said that he saw strange dancing lights on the horizon, flames in the sky and that his compass wasn’t working any more.

The best documented case of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is the one of Flight 19 when five planes during a United States Navy training exercise disappeared. One pilot called the control centre that they weren’t on their route anymore and that he didn’t know were they are. The control centre told them to fly into the west. But the pilot answered that he didn’t know were the west was and that nothing was working well, also the sea looked strange. Another pilot wanted to help the five planes but the pilot who talked before with the control centre told him that he shouldn’t come, because they looked like... From this moment on there was total radio silence. The navy couldn’t find any parts of one of the planes or a sign was has happened.

Some people think that the disappearances have to do with aliens or monsters in the sea. But there are also some more logical explanations:

• Scientists have found out that in the Bermuda Triangle are above-average lots of big methane gas bubbles. Such bubbles can make a ship easily sinking.
• Another explanation is that there are magnetic poles. Because of these poles it’s possible that electrical navigational aids aren’t working anymore.
• In some places of the world there are extremely large waves which appear suddenly and seemingly at random. It’s possible that such waves are common in the Triangle because of geological factors.
• The area around the Bermuda Triangle is known for its powerful storms and hurricanes. Such storms can make a ship easily sinking or a plane falling down.

I personally don’t believe that something mysterious is happening in the Bermuda Triangle. I can’t believe in theories which have to do with aliens or big sea monsters. It possible that all these strange happenings can be easily explained in a few years.

korrektur einer hausaufgabe: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:03 Di 04.03.2008
Autor: Markus110

Nur bei: Lots of ships and planes have disappeared there without a trace. - are disappeared (Passiv und es passiert ja immer noch)

One pilot called the control centre that they weren’t on their route anymore and that he didn’t know were they are. The control centre told them to fly into the west. But the pilot answered that he didn’t know were the west was and that nothing was working well, also the sea looked strange.
-nicht were, sondern where (wo sie sind, wo Westen ist)

Ansonsten passt alles. LG Markus

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