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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Yugoslavia's third way
Yugoslavia's third way < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Yugoslavia's third way: Übnerpdrüfung meines Textes
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:10 Sa 06.05.2006
Autor: Sabrina1989

About 40 years was the history of Yugoslavia connected with one name: Josip Tito. He created the fortune of Yugoslavia- from the resistance of the guerillas in 1941 to his death in 1980.

After the descent of the german and italian forces to Yugoslavia and the surrender of the Yugoslavian armed forces organized Tito the resistance of guerillas.
In 1942 build the secretary general of the communist party in Yugoslavia (KDJ) the anti- fascistic council relief of the Yugoslavian nation, which assumed the power in 1944.The communistic popular front won with the majority of votes (90%) the elections in November 1945.Tito became prime minister and defense minister.
The federal People’s Republic was proclaimed in 1946. As a result of friction with the west allies about territorial questions and for ideological reasons searched Tito after the war for the nearness of the Soviet Union. That’s the main reason why Yugoslavia conserved a constitution of the stalinistic example.
The brawl with the Russian dictator Josef Stalin who critized the discrepancies of the KDJ came soon. The KDJ supported Tito`s demarcation rate against Stalin. The resultant eastern bloc economic blockade was balanced with economic aid from the USA.
In 1950 was Yugoslavia still in economical difficulties. Tito enacted on this account a law to the workers` self- management, which should displayed the third way. A way  between  capitalism  and  socialistic  command  economy.  He would displaced himself and the country with this law from Stalinism.
The Yugoslavian national assembly in Belgrad adopted on the 13th January 1953, unanimously the constitution reform. Tito, the communist was appointed to be president. His third way and the two most important priciples of the reform (the self-government of the companies thru workers and clerks and the national assembly as a organ of legislative and executive autorithy) became nation doctrine.
The relation to the Soviet Union normalized with a visit of Stalin`s follower Nikita S. Chruschtshow in 1955. He followed his own way of socialism and became not only a spokesperson for the non-aligned nations but also the office of the president for life.
One year after Tito`s death in 1980 dominated violence in Yugoslavia, especially in the area of Kosovo.The riots showed the brittleness of the dual career couple.
After some bloody crashed between police and Serbian francitireurs in Krajina proclaimed Slovenia,Croatia,Mazedonia and Serbia and Montenegro the idependence. The new man in Belgrad was Slobodan Miloservic, who followed great Serbian plans,but he lured the region on to destruction. That`s the reason why Yugoslavia is just abided a alliance of future extensive and independent nations.

Ich wäre Euch sehr dankbar , wenn ihr meinen Text auf grammatikalische und Rechtschreibfehlerüberprüfen könntet, da ich ihn in der nächsten Zeit abgeben muss und man nach langen Schreiben manchmal auch den Überblick verliert ;-).
Danke schon im Vorraus.

Yugoslavia's third way: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 23:43 Sa 06.05.2006
Autor: mareike_abi07

ich habs zwar nur grob überflogen...da es schon recht spät ist ;) aber mir sind auf anhieb zwei sachen aufgefallen:

1) in der dritten Zeile müssen die Ländernamen bzw. entsprechende Adjektive groß geschrieben werden: German and Italian forces

2) meiner meinung nach sagst du in deinem satz "....became not only a spokesperson for the non-aligned nations but also the office of the president for life...." im zweiten teil aus, dass er ein büro wurde. weil du (wenn du den eingeschobenen teil weg lässt) ja sagst he became the office... also entweder kann man das office innehaben im sinne von position oder du meintest officer.. naja, hört sich halt nur irgendwie komisch an in meinen ohren...

ansonsten interessantes thema!

mfg mareike

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