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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen einer Summery
Korrekturlesen einer Summery < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrekturlesen einer Summery: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 16:49 Mo 02.03.2009
Autor: yellowstar

Hallo! :)
Könnte bitte hier mal jemand drüber lesen und die Fehler etwas reduzieren, wäre super nett.

The text „people who are against genetically modified food fight against the total dependency on concerns“,  published in the “Oberösterreichische Nachrichten”-news last week deals with the problem that Austria should be forced to accept genetically modified food.

On Monday there will be a discussion with the EU-environment minister about the plan that also Austria, Hungary, Greek and France shall accept the crop-crowing of the genetically modified food. The WFO and the USA puts pressure on the EU and wants to force them to legalize the general growing of genetically modified organism.
The biotechnology-concerns have a turnover which is much higher than ten million dollars a year just with growing corn, soya and cotton wool which are genetically modified to be resistant to pesticides.
2007 was a year of bad harvest and because of this the price increased continuously. The WFO (World Food Organization), the world banks, the Bill-Gates-donation and the Rockefeller-Foundation promote this kind of growing because they really believe that there would be a benefit for farmers in the third world and they mention that it is impossible to feed over 10 million people without genetically modified food.
In fact it’s the opposite: The agriculture of South America export Soya and corn as food for animals to Europe. Because of the pesticides the soil and water is going to be contaminated and the inhabitants of these villages need to flee to the cities and have to suffer hunger. As well as in South America in India are problems; farmers who produce cotton wool suffer from the high pesticide- and seed costs.
The main problem is that farmers cannot be protected if they don’t want this kind of evolution because the polls of genetically modified organism contaminate their realties.  In the USA and Canada the big concern “Monsanto” demand money of these farmers.
The Canadian Perce Schmeiser is one of these farmers who are against genetically modified food and he argues that some weed is already resistant against herbicide and there is already need another weed-killer.
The main argument of the disputant is that the companies that sell seeds will be ruined and thousands of economic plants will disappear.
These already mentioned concerns like Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer have already plans for a second generation of modified food. They want to make food resistant against drought and wetness.
Summed up there can be seen that many discussions are connected with this topic as well as many problems and contentious points.

Liebe Grüße
und danke schon mal im vorraus

Korrekturlesen einer Summery: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 14:13 Di 03.03.2009
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
einer sollte den Anfang machen...

Also auf die Schnelle zwischendurch einige Anmerkungen - ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit:

summery = summary

that Austria should be forced = da passte wohl "shall" besser

the crop-crowing = crop-growing

“Oberösterreichische Nachrichten” (-news weglassen)

Greek = Greece

The WFO and the USA puts pressure = "put" (weils zwei sind)
wants to force = "want" (auch weils zwei sind)

2007 was a year of bad harvest... price increased = prices (weils ja mehrere Erzeugnisse betrifft)

world banks = World Bank

Bill-Gates-donation = Donation

over 10 million people = wohl eher "Milliarden" wenn es sich auf die künftige Weltbevölkerung beziehen sollte - dann "billion"

to suffer hunger = "from" einfügen / oder "to go hungry"

The agriculture of South America export Soya = exports

In the USA and Canada the big concern “Monsanto” demand money of these farmers. - Fordern die Farmer nicht eher was von Monsanto?

there is already need another weed-killer. = needed

vorraus = voraus

Schönen Gruß

Korrekturlesen einer Summery: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:20 Mi 04.03.2009
Autor: matux

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