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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen bitte
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Korrekturlesen bitte: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 15:43 Fr 05.12.2008
Autor: yellowstar

Child labour, why, what and solutions

Child labour

The first few years in the lives of children last forever. Child labour is actually forbidden, but unfortunately not in every country. Especially in the eastern part of the world child labour is a big part of economy.
There are different reasons why children work. On the one hand there are the bonded labourers, meaning those who are working to pay off the debts to their family. On the other hand there are those children, who live in poor families, often there parents are not able to work anymore, so the children has to earn the money for the whole family. And unfortunately there are children who are abducted and sold to bars or to other “workplaces”. Unfortunately these workplaces often turn out being a sex setting. Children have to be sexually active compulsory, prostitute themselves to get a chance to survive; if they refuse they are beaten. Not only the sex trade is a great number, but also the problem of child soldiers is present. Many will ask why children go to the army even voluntarily. The answer is that children in these rural areas go to army because they are looking for food and protection. And the army is this place where they can get it. These children come from maltreating families or they are orphans. But it’s not only voluntarily, unfortunately many children are kidnapped and forced to be a soldier, because children seems to be the perfect ones; they are nimble and very cheap, they eat little and don’t need a payment. Children, who are once in, nearly can’t get out; if they flee revenge will take to their family. It’s a very sad situation, and we can hardly do anything.
Some organisations try to protect the children against any kind of exploitation. The ILO wants to ratify the childrens’ rights conventions but it hasn’t done yet.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Korrekturlesen bitte: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 16:14 Fr 05.12.2008
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Tag,
einige Kleinigkeiten sind mir aufgefallen:

> Child labour, why, what and solutions
> Child labour
> The first few years in the lives of children last forever.
> Child labour is actually forbidden, but unfortunately not
> in every country. Especially in the eastern part of the
> world child labour is a big part of economy.
> There are different reasons why children work. On the one
> hand there are the bonded labourers, meaning those who are
> working to pay off the debts to their family. On the other
> hand there are those children, who live in poor families,
> often there their parents are not able to work anymore, so the
> children has have to earn the money for the whole family. And
> unfortunately there are children who are abducted and sold
> to bars or to other “workplaces”. Unfortunately these
> workplaces often turn out being a sex setting. Children
> have to be sexually active compulsory, prostitute
> themselves to get a chance to survive; if they refuse they
> are beaten. Not only the sex trade is a great number, but
> also the problem of child soldiers is present. Many will
> ask why children go to the army even voluntarily. The
> answer is that children in these rural areas go to army
> because they are looking for food and protection. And the
> army is this place where they can get it. These children
> come from maltreating families or they are orphans. But
> it’s not only voluntarily, unfortunately many children are
> kidnapped and forced to be a soldier, because children
> seems to be the perfect ones; they are nimble and very
> cheap, they eat little and don’t need a payment. Children,
> who are once in, nearly can’t get out; if they flee revenge
> will take (m.E. müsste das "will be taken"... heißen) to their family. It’s a very sad situation, and
> we can hardly do anything.
> Some organisations try to protect the children against any
> kind of exploitation. The ILO wants to ratify the
> childrens’ (das Apostroph kommt vor das "s", weil "children" bereits Plural ist) rights conventions (heißt das wirklich conventions - oder nur convention?) but it hasn’t done yet.

Soweit meine Vorschläge/Korrekturen - ohne Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit.  

Schönen Gruß

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