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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrekturlesen Bewerbung
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Korrekturlesen Bewerbung: Austausch nach Australien
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 17:26 Sa 24.10.2009
Autor: elena238

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Wäre lieb, wenn ihr mir noch Tipps geben könntet oder Fehler korrigieren würdet.. Danke!

1)This is me
Hello, my name is .... I'm a 16 year- old girl and I  live in a house in Münster together with my family. My family, this are my parents Uta and Walter, my sister called Julia (19) and my two brothers Matthias (17) and Tobias (14). My passion is the music. I play the piano for ten years and the guitar for three years. I like to compose my own songs as well and sing them together with friends. Other hobbies of mine are dancing, reading, painting and meeting my friends. In my remaining free time I work, especially for offering me the chance getting to know different places of the world. Well, Australia!  I work at the market one or two times a week at a liquorice stall at the place of the dome, teach my little brother in playing guitar and give private lessons in English, Maths and German. I'm an open- minded and friendly person who would be so thankful getting the chance to make new experiences in another country and I am really able to work for realizing my dreams.  

2)Why I want to take part in the exchange
Since my sister told at the lunch table at home around five years ago that there is a chance to go to Australia on our school, I dreamed about going to Australia, too. Why I want to participate in this exchange is, that I would love to get to know a country which is so far away as Australia is. I imagine to become acquainted with the everyday life of a family that lives at the other half of the globe. I am curious to get to know Australian people and especially meet young people in my age to see how differently they live than we do. Additionally I wish to talk to English- speaking people to improve my English skills. Also I would like to take part in the Australian school system because there are so many differences to our system. Above all I would be looking forward to explore Australia which means meeting animals which only lives in zoos here in Germany, sample the wonderful landscape Australians and getting to know Sydney including his history and interesting sights. I would be happy to show around an exchange student in Münster, too and make him or her familiar with the German way of life. Afterwards I would like to stay in contact with him or her like I do with my English- exchange partner from Hockerill because I think that it is important to have acquaintances all over the world. Because my parents are not able to afford a year abroad in year eleven because my three siblings and I all want to study in the next four years, I really would love to get some international experiences in Australia to get to know the world better.

3)Why I am the ideal person for this exchange
        What makes me the ideal person for this exchange is that I am a responsible and reliable person. I act            as  a buddy for a five- year class at my school and help the kids to get along with the new school system of a grammar school. Also I get involved  with a Brazil- project which goes out from the Thomas- Morus- church where I am get along with the group very well and where we foster contacts with especially young people in Brazil and develop projects for making help to self- help. I am very interested in getting to know the culture of an other country and think that I can integrate in a group very well. I am also a social person who loves working with children. I help Tamil- kids, in which families is basically spoken Tamil,   learning German better and having a better chance of school qualification. I'm happy to engage for these children because they are so motivated learning the language better and because I have the feeling that I am a real contact partner for them, too. From my experiences from Hockerill in the seven class I know that I can integrate well in a family and that I am a tolerant, social and sociable person who speaks as much as possible with the family to learn the language better and to get to know the diverse  everyday life from the family in another country.

Korrekturlesen Bewerbung: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 17:20 Fr 30.10.2009
Autor: matux

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