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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur von Bew. text
Korrektur von Bew. text < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur von Bew. text: Anschreiben
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 18:33 Sa 25.10.2008
Autor: Nightwalker12345

Leila W.

Aspir Internation Consultants plc.
Aspir House
Ken BR7 3ZB

Application for the secretary position, no. E5972

Dear Ms Wyatt,

I should like to apply for the secretary position advertised on the Aspir Int. website..

After completing my education with the German university entrance qualification at the Alfred-Krupp Comprehensive, I did a two-year traineeship as a commercial assistant at the Ludwig-Erhard vocational college in Essen.
My main subjects included secretarial duties and office administration. I passed my exams as a foreign language correspondent in English in March 2008.

Besides, I have done a practical with the offices of Reading City Council and I worked two years as a part-time employment at Freight Forwarders Kleine und Nagel.

Due to my traineeship, I have a excellent telephone manner and communication skills. Moreover, I have a good computer knowledge including the Audio Typing and I am familiar with Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
I am eloquent in English and German and I have a working knowledge of French.

I enclose my CV and certified translations of my certificates.

I hope that you consider my application suitable and give me the opportunity to present myself at an interview.

Yours sincerely
Nadia W.


Danke für die Korrektur

Korrektur von Bew. text: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 18:46 Sa 25.10.2008
Autor: mmhkt

Guten Abend,
auf die Schnelle zwei Kleinigkeiten:

> Leila W.
> Aspir Internation Consultants plc.
>  Aspir House
>  Bromle
>  Ken BR7 3ZB
> Application for the secretary position, no. E5972
> Dear Ms Wyatt,
> I should (should=sollte - hm, wer sagt, Du solltest...) like to apply for the secretary position
> advertised on the Aspir Int. website..
> After completing my education with the German university
> entrance qualification at the Alfred-Krupp Comprehensive, I
> did a two-year traineeship as a commercial assistant at the
> Ludwig-Erhard vocational college in Essen.
> My main subjects included secretarial duties and office
> administration. I passed my exams as a foreign language
> correspondent in English in March 2008.
> Besides, I have done a practical with the offices of
> Reading City Council and I worked two years as a part-time
> employment at Freight Forwarders Kleine und Nagel.
> Due to my traineeship, I have a (wie war das nochmal mit dem "a" wenn das folgende Wort mit einem Vokal anfängt - da kommt doch noch was dran, ans "a" nämlich...)excellent telephone manner
> and communication skills. Moreover, I have a good computer
> knowledge including the Audio Typing and I am familiar with
> Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
> I am eloquent in English and German and I have a working
> knowledge of French.
> I enclose my CV and certified translations of my
> certificates.
> I hope that you consider my application suitable and give
> me the opportunity to present myself at an interview.
> Yours sincerely
>  Nadia W.
>  Enclosures

Momentan fällt mir sonst nichts auf, aber vielleicht kommt noch jemand anderes daher und sieht noch was.

Also dann, schönes Wochenende!

Korrektur von Bew. text: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:26 So 26.10.2008
Autor: Maluues

Leila W.

Aspir Internation Consultants plc.
Aspir House
Ken BR7 3ZB

Application for the secretary position, no. E5972

Dear Ms Wyatt,

I should( wie schon geschrieben sollte hier would hin ) like to apply for the secretary position advertised on the Aspir Int. website..

After completing my education with the German university entrance qualification at the Alfred-Krupp Comprehensive, I did a two-year traineeship as a commercial assistant at the Ludwig-Erhard vocational college in Essen.
My main subjects included secretarial duties and office administration. I passed my exams as a foreign language correspondent in English in March 2008.

Besides, I have done a practical with the offices of Reading City Council and I worked two years as a part-time employment at Freight Forwarders Kleine und Nagel.

Due to my traineeship, I have a (hier muss ein N dran) excellent telephone manner and (hier sollte noch ein adjektiv hin) communication skills. Moreover, I have a ( statt have würde ich possess schreiben) good computer knowledge including the Audio Typing and I am familiar with Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
I am eloquent in English and German and I have a working knowledge of French.

I enclose my CV and certified translations of my certificates.

I hope that you consider my application suitable and give me the opportunity to present myself at an interview.

Yours sincerely
Nadia W.

Soweit würde ich es verbessern.


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