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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur sehr erwünscht
Korrektur sehr erwünscht < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Frage (reagiert)
Status: (Frage) reagiert/warte auf Reaktion Status 
Datum: 11:11 Di 30.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Hallo Ich wäre unglaublich dankbar um Korrektur.

Faber denotes himself as coward. Because he saw how the scoiety change their attitude, but he doesn’t combat this negative development.

Montag gives him new energy and he regains his courage and makes a transformation from a passive member of society to an active rebel.

The primitive life on the island gives the boy the opportunity to live out all their instincts that were suppressed all their life.

Although every person has dark a side within, the evil is different distinct. For example has Jack the larger tendency to violent than Ralph.

In every chapter there is a new incident, that diminishes their association to civilisation. And in the same time their lust for torture grows.

He realizes what a discontent life he leads, without a target or a (deep) purpose.

Sagt man get more and more savage or become more and more savage?

Fahrenheit 451
The book is divided into three chapters. Every chapter has a special meaning. The first chapter with the title “The Hearth and the Salamander” contrasts the hearth as a symbol of home and inner life of a person with a lizard that keeps the fire burning.
The title “The sieve and the Sand” recalls a childhood memory from Montag and expresses his unable to learn the bible by heart.
The last chapter with the title Burning Bright refers the ambiguity of fire. It can stand for something warmly, like the bonfire, but it can also be used to destroy things.
The novel is very good understandable because he mainly uses the basic vocabulary and doesn’t apply any slang words.
In contrast to the literally language the employed figurative language is much more complicated. Because the author uses a lot of symbols, antithesis and metaphors, that you can analyse in a profound level. Special in the structure is also, that he used several turning points. For example you can see the encounter with the old woman as turning point, or the encounter with Clarisse, but also the scene when Beatty provokes Montag as long until he kills him.
The readers point of view is limited to Montag. Therefore the readers knows only as much as Montag. The reader isn’t able to (make an impartial picture ?). But the closeness to Montag effects that the reader has much sympathize with him and is thrilled (mitfiebern) by his transformation process.

Brave new World
The novel is divided into eighteen chapters. These chapters you can match (?) in three main parts.
In the first part the reader gets a description from the BNW and how the state work.
The second part is focused on Bernard’s and Lenina’s experiences in the Reservation. And the third parts deals with John’s confrontation with the civilized world.

to be for his own

anticipation = Vorausahnung

Because of their weakness they depend on a welfare state, that protect them and help them to cope with their weakness.

Because the author doesn't supply an conclusion answer, we encouraged to make our own thoughts.

Ralph isn't able to handle with the boys fear.

Vielen Besten Dank
gruss Dinker

Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:23 Di 30.06.2009
Autor: leduart

Hallo Dinker
Ich hab mich in der Vergangenheit oefter bemueht dir bei Korrekturen zu helfen, ich hab nie erfahren, was dir das nuetzt. Dieses "vielen Dank im Vorraus" nervt nur!
Die Fehler bleiben uebrigens weiter die selben, das s in der 3.ten Person fehlt, du liest das nicht sorgfaeltig genug durch, du benutzt keinen verfuegbaren spelling  and grammar checker.
Ich zumindest werd auf dieser Grundlage keine Korrekturen mehr liefern.
Irgendwie ist dein Vorstellungsvermoegen sich in andere reinzudenken mangelhaft:
Stell dir vor, DU bemuehst dich jemand zu helfen, die einzige positive Reaktion ist: mehr Hilfe wird angefordert, Dank gibts immer im vorraus, Rueckmeldung keine
Wie lange wuerdest du weitermachen?
Gruss leduart

Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:00 Di 30.06.2009
Autor: Dinker

Möchte mich für mein Fehlverhalten und meine mangelnde Lernbereitschaft entschuldigen

Korrektur sehr erwünscht: Lass' Taten sprechen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:06 Di 30.06.2009
Autor: Loddar

Hallo Dinker!

Lass' Taten sprechen und alles wird gut.

Denn ein "Entschuldigung!" bringt gar nichts, wenn sich nichts ändert.


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