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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Korrektur: Interior monologue
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Korrektur: Interior monologue: Fly the Friendly Skies
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 07:34 Do 03.01.2008
Autor: Hendrix123

Write an interior monologue reflecting Arjun's thoughts as he sits at the café.

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Schöningh Verlag, The New Summit
Sunita Jain - Fly the Friendly Skies

Würde mich sehr über eine Korrektur(Sprache, Form) meines inneren Monologs freuen.

I don't know what I should think. Why do I feel thus abandoned? There are so many people here and it seems to me, as if they prehatchet-just everything in. They live the day, without a purpose before the eyes. About what should I talk to the Indian? About our homeland in which everything is different as here? So I haven't come. It seems to me, as if I have found no purpose for myself. As if I likewise drifting of the mass run behind without thinking about where I am or where I come from. If this should go on this way, I will be ashamed of being an Indian anytime instead of being proud as I had intended. In brief I would loose all the respect, which was spent me from a part of my family for my determination. Therefore I have to make a distinction between good ascendancies and bad influences. In this case I am unsure, whether I should get to know friends or even a girlfriend. But although I am consider that I command the language pretty well, I am afraid of making mistake after mistake about being the laughing stock in the end. So nothing else remains to be done but walking through the shopping street and looking into eyes, which only appear to emanate happiness not before there come over consumer satisfaction materially. Either I am prejudiced or can it be true, that I have a gut feeling, that the waitress in this pavement cafe is befriend solely she fondly hopes to get a generous tip. I wonder if the waitresses in India perform the same way or the affability rests upon different reasons like decency, education or human kindness. It seems to me, that it could be difficult for me to find friends in the New World. Admittedly I have to cut off the jaundiced thinking first. But why am I so persisted to get to know American friends? How could I snub my friendly Indian coreligionist? Was that a treason to my own country and culture? Does the process of social adjustment already begin? I feel starting up full of guilt. And I know, that I will not have the chance to apologize.

Vielen Dank im Vorraus!

Korrektur: Interior monologue: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 23:53 Fr 04.01.2008
Autor: Tyskie84


> I don't know what I should think. Why do I feel thus
> lost ? There are so many people here and it seems to

> me, as if they prehatchet-just everything in.   They live for the
> day , without  purpose (Zweck?) in their eyes . What should I
> talk about to the Indian? About our homeland is different than ours . So I haven't come. It seems to me, as

> if I have found no purpose for myself. As if I likewise
> drifting of the mass run away without thinking about
> where I am or where I come from. If this should go on this
> way, I will be ashamed of being an Indian anytime instead
> of being proud as I had intended. In brief I would loose
> all the respect, which was spent to me from a part of my
> family for my determination. (Allerdings bin ich mir nicht ganz so sicher was du damit ausdrücken willst) Therefore I have to make a
> distinction between good ascendancies and bad influences.
> In this case I am unsure, whether I should get to know
> friends or even a girlfriend. But although I am consider
> that I command the language pretty well, I am afraid of
> making mistake after mistake about being the laughing stock
> in the end. So nothing else remains to be done but walking
> through the shopping street and looking into eyes, which
> only appear to emanate happiness not before there come over
> consumer satisfaction materially. Either I am prejudiced or
> can it be true, that I have a gut feeling, that the
> waitress in this pavement cafe is befriend solely she
> fondly hopes to get a generous tip. I wonder if the
> waitresses in India perform the same way or the affability
> rests upon different reasons like decency, education or
> human kindness. It seems to me, that it could be difficult
> for me to find friends in the New World. Admittedly I have
> to cut off the jaundiced thinking first. But why am I so
> persisted to get to know American friends? How could I snub
> my friendly Indian coreligionist? Was that a treason to my
> own country and culture? Does the process of social
> adjustment already begin? I begin to feel myself guilty .
> And I know, that I will not have the chance to apologize.

[cap] Gruß

Korrektur: Interior monologue: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 16:29 Sa 05.01.2008
Autor: Hendrix123

Hallo, danke dir herzlich für die kurzfristige Korrektur.

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