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Korrektur: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 14:56 Di 06.10.2009
Autor: Dinker

Guten Nachmittag

Wäre dankbar um Korrektur

Although the average temperature has increased less than a degree the consequences are already very obviously nowadays.
For example when you analyse the flooding occurences in the last two centuries, you recognize/realize that the floodings were heavier and the interval shorter in the last two decades.
I think everyone of you recall the flooding in the summer 2005, that has already adressed Mister Speer in the subject hydraulics. As you know the damages were enormous and amount more than three billions Franks. And hundred of peopel lost all their possessions.
Or Hurricane Catrhina the largest hurricane in the human history that swept over America in the Summer 2005
Maybe some of you see this development as positive, because that gives much orders for our profession. But that is definitely an egocentric attitude. Then also the most beautiful landscape sufferm from this process.
Or a further indication that the effects of the anthropogenic green house effect are already visible shows the glacier melt. Since 1850 the glacier volume has been increased more then the half. Different scenarios asumme that the Switzerlande will be ice-free until 2060.  

Gruss Dinker

Korrektur: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 12:29 Fr 16.10.2009
Autor: M.Rex


Ich habe die Rechtschreibprüfung eines Schreibprogrammes draüberlaufen lassen, und das ergab:

Although the average temperature has increased less than a degree the consequences are already very obviously nowadays.
For example when you analyse the flooding occurences in the last two centuries, you recognize/realize Nutze Leo.org, da erkennt man die Unterschiede that the floodings were heavier and the interval shorter in the last two decades.
I think everyone of you recall the flooding in the summer 2005, that has already adressed Mister Speer in the subject hydraulics. As you know the damages were enormous and amount more than three billions Franks. And hundred of peopel lost all their possessions.
Or Hurricane Catrhina the largest hurricane in the human history that swept over America in the Summer 2005
Maybe some of you see this development as positive, because that gives much orders for our profession. But that is definitely an egocentric attitude. Then also the most beautiful landscape sufferm from this process.
Or a further indication that the effects of the anthropogenic green house effect are already visible shows the glacier melt. Since 1850 the glacier volume has been increased more then the half. Different scenarios asumme that the Switzerlande will be ice-free until 2060.  

Aber das Überprüfen mit den eingebauten Rechtschreibprüfungen hat Leduart dir ja auch schon vorgeschlagen


Korrektur: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 13:49 Fr 16.10.2009
Autor: Dinker


Dieses Dokument gilt es nicht abzugeben, sondern es geht um die Grammatik, ob die Sätze verständlich sind

Gruss Dinker

Korrektur: Weiterer Korrekturvorschlag
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:36 Mo 19.10.2009
Autor: hannelore

Hallo Dinker,

Ich habe dir den Text komplett auf Gramatik und Ausdruck geprüft und ganz unten die wichtigsten Änderungen begründet.

Although the average temperature has increased less than a degree Celsius, the consequences are already very obvious.

For example: when you analyze the flooding occurrences in the last two centuries, you realize that in the last two decades the floodings were heavier and the intervals shorter.

Everyone recalls the flooding of the summer 2005, addressed by Mr. Speer in the hydraulics subject*(1). The damages were enormous, the costs surpassed more than three billion Franks and hundreds lost all their possessions.

Another example of a catastrophic nature event is Hurricane Katrina, which swept over America in the summer of 2005 and is to date the largest hurricane in human history.

Some could see these developments as positive*(2), because that means more jobs*(3) for our profession. But that is unethical to think and it is also a very selfish point of view. One has to remember that there is a loss of live after such events and the nature itself suffers.*(4)

A further indication that the effects of the anthropogenic green house effect are already visible can be found in the glacier melt. Since 1850 the glacier volume has decreased*(5) more than a half and different computer scenarios come to the conclusion that Switzerland will be ice-free somewhere around the year 2060.  

*(1) War das ein “Subject” oder meinst du mehr ein Vortrag? Dann wurde ich eher “presentation” oder “speech” sagen.

*(2) Ich habe das ein bisschen geändert, denn es hat sich ein bisschen makaber angehört. Mit dem Anfangswort “some” hört sich das besser an, weil es allgemein gehalten ist.

*(3) “orders” ist schon richtig aber es hört sich mehr wie ein “Befehl” oder eine “Bestellung” an. Mit dem Wort “jobs” bist du auf der sichere Seite.

*(4) Verstehe nicht so ganz was du hier meinst. Wieso leidet die landschaft darunter? Es ist doch ein natürlicher Vorgang. Kannst du das vielleicht näher Erläutern?

*(5) Auf englisch hattest du geschrieben, dass die Eismassen sich um die Hälfte vergrössert haben. Ich glaube du meintest das genau andersrum.

MfG Hannelore

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