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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Kleiner Text über ein Hotel
Kleiner Text über ein Hotel < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Kleiner Text über ein Hotel: Alles richtig?
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:07 So 07.09.2008
Autor: Hanswerner


The „City Hotel Valois“ in Wilhelmshaven has 17 one-bed rooms, 40 double rooms and 1 suite. A one-bed room costs 59 to 79 € per night and a double room costs 89 to 150 € per night, it’s depending if you are chosing the Business or the Comfort Class. Sometimes the price is different on the weekend. The price includes telephone connection, W-Lan access, television, a shower and many more. The hotel is near the city, the seaside and the train station.

Ist der Text grammitikalisch richtig?

Kleiner Text über ein Hotel: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 19:36 So 07.09.2008
Autor: xxangiexx

The „City Hotel Valois“ in Wilhelmshaven has 17 one-bed rooms, 40 double rooms and 1 suite. A one-bed room costs 59 to 79 € per night and a double room costs 89 to 150 € per night, it depends on which class you choose, either  Business or the Comfort Class. However, the price of the week-end is sometimes different. It includes telephone connection, W-Lan access, television, a shower and much more. The hotel is near to the city, the seaside and the train station.

so hätte ich es geschrieben. kann es dir aber nicht versichern,dass es jetzt komplett richtig ist ;)

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