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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Killarney Nationalpark
Killarney Nationalpark < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Killarney Nationalpark: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 09:09 Sa 19.04.2008
Autor: Elsibetti

Ich bitte um Verbesserungen von meinem Englischtext über den Killarney Nationalpark.
Ob alles grammatisch richtig ist und auch von dem Vokabular!

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.


Anhang Nr. 1 (Typ: doc) [nicht öffentlich]
Killarney Nationalpark: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 13:44 So 20.04.2008
Autor: rainerS


Erstmal herzlich [willkommenvh]

Ein kleiner Tipp: du machst es uns und damit auch dir leichter, wenn du deinen Text direkt in das Formular reinkopierst;  Anhänge machen imemr extra Mühe. ;-)

Zu deinem Text: mir fällt auf, dass du oft den deutschen Satzbau ins Englische übernimmst. Das funktioniert nicht. Du solltest dich zunächst an die Regel

Subjekt - Prädikat - Objekt


Nimm diesen Satz:

A legend tells that a young girl, deflected by her lover, the locking stone of the well of her family had wrong placed, so that the whole valley was flooded.

Subjekt: a young girl
Prädikat: placed
Objekt: the locking stone


According to legend, a young girl, deserted by her lover, misplaced (hid?) the locking stone of her family's well, so that the whole valley was flooded.

Außerdem musst du darauf achten, dass Subjekt und Verb zusammenpassen, zum Beispiel:

There isare more than 70 pubs

"pubs" ist Mehrzahl, also muss es "are" heißen.

Im einzelnen:

The city of Killarney is already for 200 years has been a visitor's magnet for the last 200 years.

At that time (in contrast to today) came poets, authors, composers and painters who searched herelooking for  hertheir inspirations.

Today Killarney is the most popular tourist centre
in the southwest of Ireland.

The nightlife in Killarney is very many-sided.
There is[red]are[/erd] more than 70 pubs which
want to line the streets and give a good welfare to the guest.

Den Satz verstehe ich nicht: was wollen die Pubs?

Every year there
is an amounta number of festivals which are organised in Killarney.

Nevertheless, Who searches, nevertheless, rest and restrelease, can come into the adjoining national park on his costs.

National park borders of about 100 km ² big Killarney on the city of Killarney.

Der Satz ergibt wieder keinen Sinn

In this area [red]there[Red] are to three big lakes, the Lough Leane, Muckross brine and the Upper brine.
These lakes are the main attractions of the park.

In theirs waters they reflect them the varying sky.

A legend tells that a young girl, deflected by her lover, the locking stone of the well of her family had wrong placed, so that the whole valley was flooded.

siehe oben

And therefore the three lakes should have originatedcame into being.

Of the [red]three, the[red] Upper brine is the smallest lake and, nevertheless, heit probably has the most spectacular position, in the Black Valley, in the middle of rocky scenery.

The Lough Lane (Lower brine) is also known as the lake of the youth.
Here in this national park one finds one of the oldest oaken woods of Ireland, however, these are not the only plants.

Beside oaks yews, mosses, lichens and ferns still grow in the abundance.

Above all, in the south of the national park numerous Blühpflanzen blossoming flowers which one knows, otherwise, only from the Mediterranean area, are growing on account of the influence of the Gulf Stream of influence as for example: Erdbeerbäume strawberry trees or Majority growing (?) rhododendron shrubs.

[blue]schau mal []hier

However, the climate in and around the national park is also humid very mildly very mildly humid, this promotes the growth of the plants. In the national park there is one can not only to observe scenery or nature, but one also comes in the cultural on his costs visit cultural sites.

As a " tourist centre " many visitors call the Muckross House.

Meinst du nicht eher, dass Muckross house eine "tourist attraction" ist?

In 1843 it was established by the family Herbert and one it is able to do it now besichtennow possible to visit it.

Brine lies in picturesque surroundings with the Muckross. Around the house there are flowers and stone gardens.

Completely nearClose to the Muckross Houses a centre of information / tourist centre was opened. The visitors of the park are able to doinform themselves there about the park, the rural life about 1930 inform and can look to craftsmen over the craftsmen shoulders.

There are many possibilities the national park to explore the national park. Especially nice and recommendable it is to be let drive to themselves ondriven in a horse carriage bypast the dreamlike scenery. Mostly such a tour is combined with the visit of the Torc waterfall. The Torc waterfall is one of the nicest waterfalls in Ireland.

In this waterfall a footpath leads alongside, this offers wonderful views about the national park and the lakes.

But there are also many footpaths [red]that lead past[red]by the wonderful scenery lead and they determines more than once wonderful views in national park give a holiday.

die zweite Hälfte des Satzes verstehe ich nicht

On the land tongue Lough Leane, there is the Tower House horse Castle.

Meinst du "Ross Castle" ?

There one can win an insight into the everyday life of a clan headman.

If is an Ansitz manorial and lies to the south of the city of Killarney in the national park. The buildings were established according to the famous Scottish architect from the year 1839 to 1843. The principal was Henry Arthur Herbert and his wife, she was a scenery painter.

However, these buildings were transferred later into the possession of Bourn Vincent and his family, these formed the building as well as now it looks now.

In 1932 the house became to was donated the Irish state left.

Today the Muckross House is a big museum in which one can get an insight into the life of the 19th and 20-th century. In the house there are a restaurant, a pottery and a weaving mill. The Muckross House is tocan be visited all year round, only in the Christmas Daysduring Christmas it remains closed.

Viele Grüße

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