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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Germans destroy Wembley
Germans destroy Wembley < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Germans destroy Wembley: Bearbeitung einer Aufgabe
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 18:43 So 25.01.2009
Autor: CarLiin

Germans Destroy Wembley by Martin Wallace

Demolition work finally started at Wembley yesterday ? with a German bulldozer ripping the stadium apart.

The 130-ton machine called Goliath tore into the 80-year-old concrete home of English soccer.
But the monster excavator carried a St George flag ? draped across the back by driver Gabriel Ford, an Arsenal fan from Leyton, East London.
It will take six months to flatten the historic arena.
Demolition finally got the go-ahead last week after plans for a replacement £757million stadium were agreed after a seven-year saga.
The work started almost two years to the day since Germany?s last demolition job at Wembley ? beating England 1-0 in the venue?s final international match.
In just 30 minutes yesterday the press centre and VIP area in the North Stand were reduced to rubble.
Goliath- which has a 35-metre arm with giant mechanical shears on the end - was built specially for the Wembley job.
As it rumbled into action yesterday, England 1966 World Cup winner George Cohen said:"This is a sad day but we have to move on. She is an old lady forever etched in the memory of fans."
Even the Twin Towers will go - too flimsy to be preserved. But three tons of rubble will be sold to fans.
After the site is cleared a new Wembley will be born. A 90.000 seat stadium, tipped to be the best in the world, will feature a soaring 133-metre high arch and a sliding roof.
It will take four years to complete before staging English matches and cup finals. Aussie firm Multiplex, who built the 110.000-seater Stadium Australia for the Sydney Olympics, designed the new Wembley.
It is being financed partly by the GERMAN bank West LB with a £433 million loan. The FA is paying £148 million and Sport England £120 million.
FA chief executive Adam Crozier said: "Players and fans can look forward to enjoying facilities at what will be the best stadium in the world."
The Germans may think they had the last laugh - but the old venue will forever remain the site of England`s greatest triumph, beating Germany 4 - 2 in the 1966 final.

(From: The Sun,1 Oct, 2002)

Meine Aufgabe:

The article does not merely relate facts. Find examples in the text of other sorts of information.

Hallo =)
Ich habe jetzt ein paar Sätze zu meiner Aufgabe geschrieben:

There are several examples of other sorts of information in the text. Among other things, the author Martin Wallace talks about Germany beating England in a football match that took place at Wembley stadium. But I think it just stands in a historical context regarding the demolition at Wembley. Furthermore the author uses many relative clauses which are unimportant for the key issue. Besides, he informs the reader about information such as who designed the new Wembley stadium and how it will look like.

Mein Problem ist jetzt, dass ich mir nicht sicher bin, ob das, was ich geschrieben hab, wirklich zu der Aufgabe gehört oder ob ich die Aufgabe falsch verstanden habe. Ich wäre dankbar, wenn sich das mal einer durchlesen könnte. Ich wär auch froh über ein paar Ergänzungssätze, weil das ein Kurzvortrag werden soll und dafür ist das glaub ich ein bisschen wenig!
Verbesserungsvorschläge und Korrekturen nehme ich dankbar an!

Germans destroy Wembley: Immer noch Aufgabe
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:39 So 25.01.2009
Autor: CarLiin

Kann mir denn keiner helfen?????

Germans destroy Wembley: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 21:16 So 25.01.2009
Autor: leduart

Das was wohl gemeint ist, sind die Seitenhiebe auf die Deutschen. Ein dt. B. reisst es ab, sie hatten den letzten Sieg, ne dt. Bank finanziert: Aber sie sind nicht die, die zuletzt lachen. Ueberleg dir, wenn das ein irischer, engl. oder franz Buldozzer waer. alle anderen Tatsachen blieben dieselben!
gruss leduart

Germans destroy Wembley: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 03:20 Mo 26.01.2009
Autor: matux

Germans destroy Wembley: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 20:17 Mi 28.01.2009
Autor: Maluues


Also wir behandeln auch gerade in Englisch das Thema "The Media" aus dem New Context.

The question asks the reader for unnecessary information in the text.

The sun an English tabloid comparable to the "BILD" refers to the German's victory at Wembley and Britain's suffering because of the German bulldozer and so on.
Whereas braodsheet articles with the same issue were more objective and informing.
This question shall  lead to the difference between broadsheets and tabloids.
Where tabloids are written subjectively and less informing braodsheets are objective and provided with merely pure facts.


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