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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Fabel / Text type
Fabel / Text type < Korrekturlesen < Englisch < Sprachen < Vorhilfe
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Fabel / Text type: Korrektur
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 19:05 Mi 22.02.2006
Autor: Beliar

Hallo, wenn jemand Zeit und Lust hat wäre es nett den nachfolgenden Text zu lesen und mir die Fehler mitzuteilen. Danke

A fable is a tale, where animales talks and acts like humans, they are humanize. Through the acting in the fable, they advice disgrace of society or political gourverment. Often they can´t arrange chronological and is transformt to many other countries. The Ironic of a fable shoudn´t be amusing, her purpose is to make the reader pensive. The fable shows the reader in an ironical way how a society can devolop and how it´s ending.

Fabel / Text type: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:22 Mi 22.02.2006
Autor: jphp

A fable is a tale,in which animals talk and act like humans, they are humanized. Through the acting in the fable, they advise??? disgrace of society or political government. Often they can´t arrange chronological and are transformed to many other countries? -  Wie wolltest du den Satz übersetzen? Hier fehlen Zusammenhänge, die den Leser irritieren oder gar unverständlich sind . The Ironic of a fable shoudn´t be amusing, her purpose is to make the reader pensive. The fable demonstrates in an ironical way how a society can develop and its ending to the reader.

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