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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - English -
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English -: Frage (beantwortet)
Status: (Frage) beantwortet Status 
Datum: 11:57 Do 28.05.2009
Autor: Dinker


Most of the people are very stress (in oder by?) their work. Today a single person has to do work, for that any decades ago, two or three persons were responsible for.
After the work you are tired and your head still turn about work
I think this is one of the main reasons why a lot of people aren’t interested in profound conversation or reading intellectual books. But of course I observe this development with worrying, because the consequences would be the complete eradication of culture, family life etc.  

After the destruction, Montag feels fully reborn. He now knows what he must do, what his role is.
In contrast to other dystopian novels like Orwell’s and Huxley’s Brave new World, which are deeply pessimistic books, Fahrenheit 451 hopeful end. This optimism could reflect the American dream and the triumph of hard work, good intentions and the authors own beliefs.

Despite of all this talk of pleasure and smiling in burning things, there is a strong sense of violence and wrongness in this opening passage, because of (oder doch by?) the using of negative words like blackened, itgniter, driven back by falme, ruins of history etc.

Gruss Dinker

English -: Antwort
Status: (Antwort) fertig Status 
Datum: 21:31 Di 02.06.2009
Autor: isabell_88

Hallo Dinker

1. Absatz
1. satz: they are stressed because of their work
2. satz: decades ago, two or three persons were responsible for a work a single person has to do now
3. satz: "still turn about work" hört sich doof an, ich würde einfach schreiben "you still think about the work.

2. absatz
2. Satz: he now knows his role and what he must do
3. Satz: ...Fahrenheit 451 ends hopeful

3. Absatz

Ich würde am Ende schreiben: ...because of the use of negative vocabulary like...

Gruß Isa

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