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Forum "Korrekturlesen" - Englisch Korrekturen
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Englisch Korrekturen: Frage (überfällig)
Status: (Frage) überfällig Status 
Datum: 13:37 Fr 28.11.2008
Autor: Dinker

Ich habe diese Frage in keinem Forum auf anderen Internetseiten gestellt.

Hallo Liebe Vorhilfe Mitglieder

Ich wäre sehr dankbar, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet, meinen geschrieben Text auf ein akzeptables Englisch zu bringen.
Ich erwarte natürlich nicht dass du alles korrigierst, aber wenn mehrere ihren Teil dazu beisteuern könnten, dann wäre das super

All the theme with which Bradbury deals are conformity and refers to the threat of individual freedom, the rise of dehumanization in the form of violence or misuse of technology, culture which is visible in the everyday life of the citizen.
The aim of the government is, that all people are equal. Happiness is threated when you neighbour is better than you are, more intelligent, more educated, more well-read. But if all people are equal there isn’t any threat.
Mention some expedients (Hilfsmittel?) which helps to control the society
At first there was no declaration, no cencorship
The people realized, that it’s the best way if all people are equal and think equal. Certainly this process is supported by the mass media and technology. Thus it doesn’t longer exist any difference in opinions, no conflict, no competition among the people, so that the human  will live happy.
Through this circumstance within this culture there is no depth of knowledge, no proper schooling, so people becomes less and less able to make rational decisions.
After this development it’s exist a minority group of people who think still critical. Therefore the major society must protect before (?) this group. So it would created a new task for the firemen, to destroys books. Then books are very bad for the society because they transmit difference opinion and bring (?) people to think.
Do you think, it is Beatty inner opinion, which he represents through the novel?
It’s hard to believe, that it’s Beatty real opinion, that he represents in the story. Because you know Beatty is very clever, bright and a well-read person. My impression is much more, that he believes in the positive power of conformity for as long as it is good for him.
This opinion confirms the situation where Beatty lets himself kill without any defence.
Therefore, for me it’s clear: Beatty is conformist on the surface, but he is intelligent enough to understand the mechanism ot his society-
She likes to have conversations to exchange ideas, feelings and thoughts.What is the reason, that the government persecute people, who have another opinion?
Critical people are a threat fort he stability of society
Can you explain the role of violence?
Violence is everywhere in the novel. It is a part of everyday life. The consumption of violence as entertainment is a large part of this culture.
The violence indicates the dehuminzation of this society
What are the functions of drugs?
The most relevant function of drugs is to suppress individual feelings and emotions.
Captain Beatty tries always to prevent opens conversations. He talks “to other at?” people and does not want any exchange of ideas.

What are the results of this society system?
The results are loneliness, frustration, inability to have meaningful relationships and conversations. Because the people in this scoeity have no content to life, they try to compensate this condition by violent, mindless media and by people who have another opniion
People in Fahrenheit 451 seems to live distanced from the nature
- Snake Eyed Machine: As consequence of the many suicide attempts, they have to less doctors.
The most people of the society believe, they would be unhappy, when they had to many options. Thus it would exists different theories which cause conflict.

Vielen Besten Dank und eins chönes Wochenend

Englisch Korrekturen: Fälligkeit abgelaufen
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:20 Fr 05.12.2008
Autor: matux

Englisch Korrekturen: Mitteilung
Status: (Mitteilung) Reaktion unnötig Status 
Datum: 14:10 Mi 10.12.2008
Autor: Dath

Hey, nur ein Tipp: Verwende mehr Gerund, Partizip und Infinitivkonstruktionen. Die Relativsätze lesen sich einfacher, und du kannst die ganzen "that"s streichen.

Viele Grüße,

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